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Universities at the turning point: Go Public! Fund Education

In a world where education is becoming one of the most important resources universities are at a crossroads. The mantra of “Go Public!” and the push to fund education may have never been more important. Affordable tuition and diverse academic opportunities have for long associated public universities with accessible education. In recent years, these institutions…

International Standard Classification of Education

ISCED :International Standard Classification of Education : It is a systematic framework used by UNESCO in categorizing the statistics and information of education on international basis. This system categorizes education programs and related qualifications by level and fields of study and delivers a common format for international comparisons and analysis. In its essence, ISCED’s primary…

Postgraduate education

Postgraduate education: significance and consequences Indeed, this paper aims to describe the significance and the potential influence of the postgraduate education among the people of Asia and the international students specifically. Graduate studies or also referred to as post graduate education plays a vital arch in deciding what will become of the future, whether on…